About Us

Welcome to Pokiez-AU.com, the intersection of premier online gaming and unmatched atmosphere. We pride ourselves on being more than just another virtual casino. Here, we offer a curated selection spanning from cherished classics to the latest game releases. And rest assured, every player is of paramount importance to us.

Our Journey So Far

Redefining pokies, Pokiez brings a unique perspective to a familiar game. Delve into our diverse slots, and you'll soon discover a wealth of promotions at every turn. Established in 2020 by a dedicated group of Australian gaming aficionados, our focus has always been on delivering an unparalleled experience for our fellow Australians. Partnering with industry giants like BetSoft and iSoftBet, we assure quality. And, of course, we gladly accept the Australian dollar. Note: we are an advisory platform and don't deal with monetary transactions directly – that's for our recommended sites.

What's on the Game Menu?

Our name is a testament to our offerings. At Pokiez, we continuously expand our portfolio with the finest games from top-tier providers. Our collection, vast in its scope, ranges from the evergreen classics to the newest sensations. Whether your preference is slots, live games, or any other casino favourites, we ensure an experience that stands out.

Why Pokiez Bonuses Rock

We understand the allure of bonuses in the gaming world. And as avid players ourselves, we recognize the kind of incentives you desire. Haven't found the perfect casino bonus yet? Stay tuned, as we often surprise our members with exclusive offers. Explore our welcoming package: a generous $1,000 bonus complemented with free spins, beginning with a mere $20 deposit. Additionally, our loyalty point system rewards consistent players. Accrue points and ascend the ranks for even greater rewards.

Always Improving, Just for You! 

A seamless gaming experience is our promise. We've dedicated years to refining our platform to ensure smooth navigation and gameplay. Should you encounter any concerns or if you simply wish to engage, our support team is available 24/7. Experience fast loading times, uninterrupted gameplay, and top-tier support – a trifecta of excellence at Pokiez.